St Mary and St Peter Catholic Primary School


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This section will give you an insight into our school and how we perform within National Curriculum statutory assessments in Y6 (end of Key Stage Two).

The 2016 key stage 2 assessments were the first which assessed the new, more challenging national curriculum which was introduced in 2014. The expected standard has also been raised to be higher than the old level 4. As a result, figures for 2016 are not comparable to those for earlier years.  Given the differences from previous years to the curriculum and assessments, levels are not comparable with scaled scores or teacher assessment outcomes. Children in Year 6, across the country, had only studied the new Maths and English curriculum for half of the expected four years.


2021-2022 Assessments

GLD 66.6%

Key Stage 1

Element % EXS % GDS
Reading 63% 13%
Writing 73%
Maths 47%
RWM Combined 43%


Key Stage 2

Element % EXS %GDS
Reading 77% 23%
Writing 77% 17%
Maths 60% 10%
RWM Combined 57% 0%

KS2 Progress 2022 (Confidence level in brackets)

Reading  2.2 (-0.2-4.5)
Writing  2.8 (0.6-5.0)
Maths -0.2 (-2.4-1.9)




Key Stage 2 Assessments in 2019

Results are no longer reported as levels: each pupil receives their test results as a scaled score and teacher assessments based on the standards in the interim framework. The expected standard in the tests is a scaled score of 100 or above. The average scaled score is calculated as the mean scaled score of all pupils awarded a scaled score.

KS2 Attainment

  • The percentage of pupils achieving the ‘expected standard’ for Reading, Writing and Maths combined was 59 (national 64).
  • The percentage of pupils achieving  ‘high level of attainment’ for Reading, Writing and Maths combined was 7 (national 10).
  • The percentage of pupils achieving the ‘expected standard’ for Reading was 72 (national 75)
  • The percentage of pupils achieving the ‘expected standard’ for Writing was 66 (national 78)
  • The percentage of pupils achieving the ‘expected standard’ for Maths was 66 (national 76)
  • The percentage of pupils achieving the ‘expected standard’ for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling was 62 (national 78).
  • The average scaled score in Reading was 102 (national 105).
  • The average scaled score in Maths was 102 (national 104).
  • The average scaled score in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling was 103 (national 106)

KS2 Progress

Progress measures for children between their KS1 (end of Y2) attainment score and their KS2 (end of Y6) attainment score are difficult to be fully accurate, as the curriculum and expectations for these children has adjusted during their time in KS2.  This means that the expectations for their progress over their four years in KS2, has further extend beyond the end of KS2 expectation which was in place when they were in Y2.

  • Average progress in Reading between KS1 and KS2 was -1.8
  • Average progress in Writing between KS1 and KS2 was -3.3
  • Average progress in Maths between KS1 and KS2 was -2.4

Further information about our standards and how these compare with other schools locally and nationally can be found on the Department for Education find and compare schools site.



Head of School:
Mrs A. Goddard

Executive Headteacher:
Mrs H. Armstrong

Mr C. Lambert

01493 445 117



East Anglian Way
Great Yarmouth,
NR31 6QY